Being Thankful in All Circumstances
What a gift it is to praise him when things are going well and what a gift it is to praise him when things are falling apart.
Remembering God's Word
Unfortunately it’s our fallen human nature to be self focused and worry about things we can’t control or even things that haven’t happened yet and honestly things that may never happen. But as followers of Christ we are called to be different - to remember God’s word and place our trust in Him
All Good Things Come From God
Welcome to November! Growing up, you were probably taught to say please and thank you. If you’re like me, your mom or dad gave you those eyes that cut deep into your soul if you even blinked without saying those “magic words.”
Seeds of Doubt
Now, you can pretty much guarantee that if you plant carrot seeds, you get carrots, right? Have you ever planted seeds, expecting to get carrots and end up with radishes?
Seeds of Unforgiveness
If we sow seeds of unforgiveness, water those seeds and let the light shine down and allow for the seeds to take root, sprout and grow, what will come up?
Seeds of Bitterness
As an adult I have grown to love several “bitter” foods - that I would have hated growing up. From vegetables and fruits like brussel sprouts, radishes and cranberries to things like my morning coffee.