The True and Better Abraham

Across the field and through the trees

of Ephron, slumped upon his knees

Beside the cave of Machpelah,

The old man scorned anathema

For love and kissed the ivory lips

Of his dead wife; then laid the strips

Of silk and linen on her face,

As beautiful today with grace,

He thought, as when Abimelech

Desired her once, without a speck

Or blemish to this day, but now

As cold as snow upon the brow

Of Mount Moriah. Abraham

Thought to himself, "This time no ram

Caught in the thicket for her life,

You spare my son but not my wife."

He rose with Sarah in his arms

And laid ten thousand days and charms

To rest within a Hittite cave,

And in the dark paused once to save

The union for a moment more.

But in the dripping dark before

His mind the awful scene arose

Again: first one, then two plateaus

The boy and he, alone he thought,

Had climbed Moriah while he fought

The tears and coughed away the sobs.

He felt again the way it throbs

Behind the eyes when there's no vent

To grief. The wild bewilderment

On Isaac's face when he perceived.

And then the fear, deep unrelieved,

That his own son might curse the Lord

And tear his flesh against the cord

To save his life; and kick and bite

And scream and writhe with all his might

Like any ordinary boy.

But Isaac knew he was the joy

Of this old man. By wonder born,

By wonder he would die, and scorn

The pain and look into his eye

With childlike trust and say goodbye.

"The greatest moment of my life,"

Thought Abraham. "O precious wife,

The darkness of this cave is brief,

And we've been trained in strong belief:

‘Is anything too hard for God?'

And should we not now kiss the rod

And wait until the angel voice

Express the everlasting choice

Of our appointed substitute?

This time, my love, it did not suit

The sovereign will to interpose

A ram for you—or me—He chose

Instead to test me once again

If I will trust him now as then?"

Then father Abraham walked out

And spoke these words without a doubt,

"As sure as I stand in the light

The Judge of all the earth does right.

The Lord is not God of the dead

But of the living, as he said."

Jesus is the True and Better Abraham


The True and Better Moses


The True and Better Adam