Parenting Tip: Confession and Forgiveness

One of the best ways to teach our kids about the Gospel is by being real with them about our own mistakes, showing them how to confess when we mess up and how to forgive unconditionally. That is how we live out the Gospel at home with our families. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9.

It is incredibly important for our kids to see us confess and then immediately receive forgiveness! We can do this right in our kitchen while hanging out in the family room or driving around in the car. During our everyday life.


It doesn't always feel good to confess our sins and say out loud how we messed up, but having an understanding of grace changes everything about confession. Running to the cross right after a confession is the next right thing. Realizing that we are forgiven, loved, and treasured by Him, means that we don’t have to live in guilt. He loves us! We don’t have to earn His approval or measure up to a certain standard.

You can confess and receive his grace and forgiveness every day. Your kids can too. Model it at home. It can sound something like this, “I confess that I got angry and said mean words with intention. I’m so thankful that God forgives me and that he still loves me unconditionally.”

Or “I confess that I was completely jealous during that party and was not kind or grateful. I know he loves me even when I mess up. I will depend on his guidance and love as I have frustrating or jealous moments in the future.”

Modeling this in your home will be a game changer in your kids' faith, your spouse's reaction to you, and whoever you say this in front of. I am not talking about mustering up the courage to do this once. This is something we can and should do often. When we say this out loud, again and again, we continue to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and by the beautiful unchanging gospel.

When we confess and explain that we are forgiven, we model that Jesus died for our sins… the ones we have made yesterday, today, and will make tomorrow. And he continues to forgive us, no matter what!

Our kids can catch on to this whole grace thing. Grace is felt and known when we confess and accept His forgiveness! Dare I say, it could be contagious.

by: Cady Ruth, Children’s Minister


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