A Giant Problem: Comfort
Isn’t it nice when things are comfortable? When things go your way and when you are not pushed out of your comfort zone.
I am here to tell you that comfort should not always be your goal. It can become a giant problem if we let it be.
As Christ followers we get to be agents of his love.
To be empowered by his Holy Spirit, means we can listen for how he wants to bless us and use us and that means we may be nudged to do something that we wouldn’t naturally choose.
It seems to me that God does big things when we gain some boldness and let his Holy Spirit lead us. When we don’t choose complacency.
I remember a time when I felt like God was prompting me to speak up and talk to this other mom at this skating birthday party I was at with Sarah.
I did nothing about it for a good five minutes and then she walked away. 10 minutes later we were standing next to each other again when the kids were eating pizza and birthday cake. She seemed shy. I wasn’t in the mood to strike up a conversation with a stranger I probably would never see again.
But the prompting persisted and so I greeted her and we began to chat. 20 minutes later I was blown away by how she was encouraging me in something I was praying about and towards the end of our time she said I helped her with something she was seeking confirmation about?!
Who knew that we were meant to have this random time together and that we BOTh would be blessed by this conversation.
Where and when are you possibly too comfortable?
Are there times when you sense the spirit moving and wanting you to say or do something and you push it aside because it wouldn’t be a comfortable step to take?
On Sunday mornings, do you ever feel the urge to talk to someone that you continue to see but have never met?
Are you hoping for someone to reach out to you… what if you are sitting close to someone that is hoping the same thing?
Maybe you need to get out of your comfort zone and See what God might do? See if he surprises you.
The truth is, as we understand God’s love for us more and more, we will want to share it and help others know about how His love is transforming. Our world needs to hear about Him. We need to encourage each other to live for Him.
We need to be guided by the Holy Spirit… the one that gives us those nudges! We need to forget what is comfortable and speak up, move and act on what he is asking us to do. It will not only bless someone else, chances are it will bless you too.
So, don’t let comfort be a giant problem in your life.
by: Cady Ruth Sentell, Children’s Minister